
Gradebook (Learners)

Gradebook give learners a way to track and view scores, grades and feedback from all assessments in a particular classroom. Instructors can decide when and how students see the score/grade or choose to hide the score/grades entirely. The Gradebook also show grades for learners based on a grading scheme set by the instructor for the entire classroom. The summative assessments will contribute to calculate the final scores and grades.

1. Tap Classrooms menu option on the newsfeed screen.

2. Tap on required Classroom / Social Group from the Starred / Classrooms / Social Groups tab.

3. You will land on the classroom's newsfeed. Tap More tab and then tap Gradebook.

4. The Gradebook will open and you will be able to view the Scores/Grades received in each assessment. You can also view scoring details and your instructors feedback / comments (if any added).

5. You can view your Final Score & Final Grade for the classroom once the instructor publishes the Final Score & Grade.

6. Tap View more to see the feedback/comments added onto your submission by you or your instructor.

7. Tap View Insights.

8. The insights screen opens with two charts:

The first chart shows a comparison of percentage scores across all assessments in the classroom with the help of color codes. It's a good way for you to compare your performance in different assessments.

You can also compare yourself to the average, which is marked as a black line. Assessments for which you have not made any submissions will not appear in the graph.

9. The second chart shows the percentile of the learner across all assessments in the classroom. Assessments for which the learner has not made any submission or for which scores are not available will not appear in the graph.

Please read this article on "Percentile" for more information on what is percentile.

10. By default, all the assessments (normal assessment and personalised assessment) will be shown on the gradebook. You can filter the gradebook to see only the personalised assessment(s) by checking the Personalised checkbox This will help you quickly sort the assessments that have been shared either with you individually or in team(s) that you are part of.

11. You may also apply the given filter (in combination) as explained below:

  • View Classrooms By - apply Section filter to see the list of assessments from a specific section. By default, you will see all assessments from all sections.
  • Type - apply assessments type (Online Quiz, Assignments or Offline Tests) to view the list of specific assessments at a time. By default, all assessments are shown on the Gradebook.
  • Summative / Formative - apply Summative filter to see the list of weighted assessments and Formative filter to see the list of non-weighted assessments.

12. In case your scores are not published by your instructor, then you will see a Pending Review label for that assignment / quiz.

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