
Creating and Managing Credits

When the credit feature is set up on a site, then newly created users are automatically assigned a credit target based on their credit category and current time period.

This article will guide you on:

Managing Departments & Time Periods

The first step, as an admin is to set up credits for users is to setup the credit targets. Credit targets are created on the basis of a particular time period and a credit category which is linked to a user meta field. For the purpose of this documentation, we will consider the users' Department meta field (for example HR, Marketing etc) as the credit category. Then, as an administrator, you can set default credit targets based on time period and category and newly created users will be automatically assigned a credit target based on their category and current time period.

Credit Target is based on two parameters:

  1. Department
  2. Time Period

Let's see how you can create the aforementioned parameter.

Creating a department

1. Click to expand the Sliding menu.

2. Click Manage Reference Values. under Manage Teamie section.

3. Click Departments.

4. Add Departments page opens. All the existing departments on the site will be listed on the page. Click +Add Departments to add a new department.

5. Enter the name of the department as per your requirement and click any one of the following buttons:

Save and add new: to save the new department and create a new one.

Save and back to list of values: to save the new department and return to the Add Departments page.

Cancel, Back to list of values: to discard the new department and return to the Add Departments page. The new department will not be created.

6. The newly created department will be created and listed on the Add New Departments page.

7. In case you wish to edit the name of the newly created department or any previously created department, click edit under the Operations column for that department.

8. Once created, the Department will be available on the user creation page and on the credit target creation page as category.

9. Update the name of the department and click Update. Click Delete in case you wish to delete that department.

10. You can also delete a department by clicking the Delete button. Once deleted, the department will not appear on the user creation and credit target creation page.

Creating a time period

1. Click Time Periods under the Manage Reference Values.

2. Add Time Periods page opens. The existing time periods on the site will be listed here. Click +Add Time Periods.

3. Enter the name of the time period as per your requirement and click any one of the following buttons:

Save and add new: to save the new time period and create a new one.

Save and back to list of values: to save the new time period and return to the Add Time Periods page.

Cancel, Back to list of values: to discard the new time period and return to the Add Time Periods page. The new time period will not be created.

Time periods are identified by a label and doesn't necessarily need to be a year. For example, it can be Semester 2.

4. The newly created time period will be listed on the Add Time Periods page.

5. Click edit to update the name of a time period or delete it. See Managing Credits.

Managing Credits

You can manage credits by managing the credit period and credit targets by clicking Manage Credits from the sidebar.
Managing Credit Periods

Newly created users are automatically assigned a credit target based on their category and time period. The credits are tied to the time period, so for a category users can be assigned different targets based on the different time periods. Time periods are identified by a label (doesn't need to be a year, ex. Semester 2). Let's see how to manage the time period for the site.

1. Under Manage Credits, click Manage Credit Periods.

2. The Add Time Periods page opens. All the time periods created for your site will be displayed here. You can add time periods from here as discussed earlier.

3. To edit an existing time period, click edit for that time period.

4. Update the name of that item as per your requirement. You can also set the time period as the active time period by ticking the checkbox. The credit targets of the active time period will be shown to the learners, by default. Click Update to update the time period as the active time period.

5. Active time period will have the "Current Credit Period" label infront of it.

Managing Credit targets

1. Under Manage Credits, click Manage Credit Targets.

2. The Credit targets page opens. Here all the Credit time period(s) created for your site along with their category type and creation details will be listed.

3. To filter the the Credit targets on the basis of their time periods, click the Credit time period dropdown and select the required credit time period. Similarly, you can select a category type to filter the results accordingly.

4. Click Apply to see the filtered result.

5. To add a new Credit target, click +Add new Credit target.

6. Add new Credit target page opens.

7. Select the required Credit time period and Credit category from the respective fields and add the required Credit target as annotated with "1", "2" and "3" in the following screenshot.

8. Save the new Credit target.

9. The new Credit target will be listed on the Credit targets page. Now any learner added with 'Finance' department category will have the credit target of '25' for the time period 2020,

10. You can click edit for a credit target to edit it.

11. You can update the credit target, if required.

Take note that updating the credit target will not update the credit for existing learners, and only the updated credit target will be applied for the new users that are add after the update. Click here to how to update the credit target of the existing learners.

12. Click Delete to delete the credit target for the given Category and Time Period.

13. Click Yes, I understand. Delete to confirm the deletion of the credit target.

Deleting the credit target does not affect any of the existing users' targets, but it will mean that when new users are created for that Category they will not have any target credit points for the corresponding time period.

Updating Credit targets for select users

If there has been any change to the credit target later or during the course of a time period, then the credit target of the existing users with that category and time period are not updated automatically. Only the new users that are added after the update will get the updated credit targets. For the existing users, you need to update their credit targets from the 'Manage People' page.

For explaining the concept better, let's take a scenario in which an existing learner's (from 'Sales' department) credit target was updated from "20" to "50" for the time period "2020". Let's see how we can update the credit target for that learner (Bruce Gleeson).

1. Under the Manage Teamie block, click People.

2. Then click Manage people.

3. You can use different filters and then click Apply to narrow down the user(s) whose credit targets you wish to update. In this case, we are just updating the credit target for a single user (Bruce Gleeson).

4. Tick the checkbox for the required user(s).

5. Click the Operations drop down and select Update user Credit targets.

6. Click Execute.

7. Select the required Credit time period for which you wish to update the user's credit target.

For one category (department), there can be multiple credit targets based on the different time periods.

8. Tick the given checkbox to override the existing target credits, if any. For instance, in this case the existing credit target for the user is '20' which is to be updated to '50'.

9. Click Confirm.

10. A confirmation message appears after the action is successfully executed.

11. The credit target of the selected user(s) will be updated.

12. You can check the user credit report to confirm the updated credit target.

13. You can also go to the user profile page and click the Credit Report tab to view the updated credit target for the required time period.

Adding / Updating Credit targets for users individually from their profile page

You can also add / update Credit targets for users individually from their profile page which doesn't necessarily have to be same as the updated credit targets as per their department (category).

1. Access the profile page of the required learner. You can quickly access any user's profile page by searching their name in the universal search bar and then tapping on the name.

2. On the user's profile page, click Credit Report.

3. On the Credit Report, select the required time period for which you wish to add or update.

4. Add/update the required credits in the Target Credits input box.

5. Then click Update to update the credit target for the user for the corresponding time period.

6. Similarly, if the credit target is not set for any time period for users, you can set them.

Take note that updating any user's credit targets from their profile page will only update that particular user's credit target for a time period and not any other user with the same department (category) and time period. To update the credit targets for user(s) based on their department, see Updating Credit targets for select users.

Checking User Credit Report

User Credit report displays the list of all active users with their "Credits Target & Credits Achieved" info.

The User Credits Report will show only the users with certain site-level roles that have functionality of being awarded credits on completing classrooms.

1. Under Manage Credits, click User Credit Report.

2. User Credits Report page opens. See Accessing User Credits Report to know more.

Checking User Module Credits Completion Report

The "User Module Credits Completion" report shows the Group Completion Status along with the Credits (credits are the training hours which are awarded for learner once they complete a module successfully) of all learners across all their modules (or courses or classrooms).

The User Module Credits Completion Report will show only the users, with certain site-level roles, that have functionality of being awarded credits on completing classrooms.

1. Under Manage Credits, click User Group Completion Report.

2. User Module Credits Completion Report page opens. See Accessing User Module Credits Completion Report to know more.

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