
Marking and Managing Attendance

As an instructor, when you create a calendar event for a classroom, you will now be able to mark attendance for all the learners of that classroom for that event. Later on, you can edit the attendance, if required. You can also export the attendance reports for a classroom and view the absence reports submitted by parents for their children, if applicable.

This article will guide you on:

Marking learners' attendance for a calendar event

As an instructor, you can mark or edit attendance for your classrooms' calendar events. Let's see how you can mark and edit learners' attendance.

1. In the calendar sidebar, click Mark Attendance for the required calendar event to access its Mark Attendance page.

You can also click an event to access its full view and then click Mark Attendance to access its Mark Attendance page.

2. The Mark Attendance page opens. It will show the total duration of the calendar event. All the learners of the classroom, for which the calendar event is created, will be listed with the 'Present' status, by default. Present status awards full duration (in minutes) to the learners for the event.

3. Click the 'Absent' status checkbox for the required learner(s) to award them '0' minutes for the event for not attending the event.

4. Click the 'Tardy' status and set the time duration for which the learner has attended the session.

5. Click SAVE once you have marked attendance for all the required learners.

As an instructor, you can quickly navigate between different events without going back to the full events view by clicking the Previous and Next navigation buttons.

Note: The first event will not have the Previous action, and the last event will not have the Next action.. Furthermore, when you mark attendance and click on Save, then these navigation buttons will be disabled till the save process is complete.

6. If the calendar event is not in the marking attendance period, a View Attendance button will be shown. The View Attendance page will not be editable.

The marking attendance period is configurable at the site level. For instance, in the following scenario, an instructor can only mark attendance for calendar events that are within 10 days in the past, or 5 days in the future.

The aforementioned three statuses (Present, Absent and Tardy) are whitelabelled and can vary from site to site. Furthermore, additional status can also be configured at the site level.

For instance, a status named 'Excused' can be configured to be shown along with the aforementioned statuses. Instructors can mark the status to represent that the learner has not attended the event with a valid reason, therefore the attendance is not deducted.

Editing learners' attendance

1. In the calendar sidebar, Edit Attendance button will be present for the calendar events for which you have already marked the attendance. Click on it to access the Edit Attendance page.

You can also access the Edit Attendance page from the calendar event's full view screen.

2. Make the required changes in the learners' attendance and then click Save to save the changes.

3. If the calendar event is not in the marking attendance period, a View Attendance button will be shown. The View Attendance page will not be editable.

The marking attendance period is configurable at the site level. For instance, in the following scenario, an instructor can only mark attendance for calendar events that are within 10 days in the past, or 5 days in the future.

Accessing a classroom's Attendance page

You can access a classroom's Attendance page to view the summary of attendance for all learners along with the events' attendance details created for that classroom. Let's see how you can access a classroom's Attendance page.

1. On the homepage, click the required classroom's card.

2. Click the Attendance tab inside the classroom.

3. The Attendance page will have two tabs - Summary and Events. By default, the Summary page will be shown. It will show the combined duration of all the marked events created in the classroom. It will also show a table listing all the learners and their combined attendance duration for all the marked events. A percentage of attendance achieved out of the total attendance of the marked events will also be shown for each learner.

4. Click the Events tab. Here all the classroom events will be listed along with the attendance status of learners in the corresponding events. You can click any event to quickly mark the attendance for it.

The count of the events that have not yet been marked will also be shown on the Events page.

The colors for each status can be configured at the site level as per requirement.

Checking learners' attended duration and percentage for a classroom calendar events

2. The Summary page will show the combined duration of all the marked events created in the classroom. It will also show a table listing all the learners and their combined attendance duration for all the marked events. A percentage of attendance achieved out of the total attendance of the marked events will also be shown for each learner. You can also access the detailed attendance report from this page.

Marking attendance from a classroom's Attendance page

1. Access a classroom's Attendance page. Then click on Events tab.

2. All the events will be shown along with the learners' attendance that has been marked for those events. The total number of unmarked events will be shown above the learner table. Hover over any event to view its full name and click on it to mark / edit attendance for that event.

3. Mark or edit the attendance as per requirement and click Save to save the changes.

Viewing and Updating QR Code Attendance for Calendar Events

As an instructor, you can view the QR code attendance marked by the learners, i.e, the time when the check in QR code and check out QR code was scanned by learners for a calendar event. Take note that check out attendance can only be marked after the check in has already been done.

You can also mark attendance for learners in the following scenarios:

1. If the event has passed and learner has not marked the attendance, you can mark the check in attendance and then the check out attendance.

2. If the event is ongoing and the learner has marked the check in attendance, then you can mark the check out attendance while the event is still going on or has passed, i.e. the current events in which learners have marked check in, but have not checked out.

1. Access a classroom's Attendance page. Then click on Events tab.

2. All the events will be shown along with the learners' attendance that has been marked for those events. The total number of unmarked events will be shown above the learner table. Hover over the required event to view its full name and click on it to mark / edit attendance for that event.

3. The QR code symbol would be shown in front of the attendance marked by the learner. Hovering over it will show the details.

4. If you are eligible to mark attendance for a learner (see following conditions), click Edit.

1. If the event has passed and learner has not marked the attendance, you can mark the check in attendance and then the check out attendance.

2. If the event is ongoing and the learner has marked the check in attendance, then you can mark the check out attendance while the event is still going on or has passed, i.e. the current events in which learners have marked check in, but have not checked out.

5. As per availability, you can then check in and / or check out using the Check In and Check Out button.  Clicking the Check In and Check Out button will allow you to enter the time.

Check in and check out time needs to be within the event start and event end date (plus grace period, if any).

6. If required, you can edit the check in / check out time that you have updated manually.

You cannot update/edit QR code attendance marked by the learner.

7. Click Save to save the changes.

8. The attendance will be marked for the learner. Hovering over the attendance will show the details that it has been added manually by you.

Checking Zoom Attendance for Calendar Events

As an instructor, you can create a calendar event with Zoom attendance enabled. Once the Zoom session is completed, the attendance of the learners will be marked based on their Zoom check in and check out, i.e, the time when they joined the Zoom meeting and when they left (or when the meeting was ended by the host). Click here to learn more.

Importing attendance

As an instructor, you can mark attendance of learners in bulk for a calendar event using the excel template. This can prove to be very useful in case you need to record the time spent of learners from an external source, such as time spent in a Zoom session, on Teamie. Let's see how you can import learners' attendance for a calendar event.

1. Access the Mark Attendance page of the required calendar event, whose attendance you wish to import.

You can access the Mark Attendance page of a calendar event by accessing the calendar event from:

(a) the Mark Attendance button from the calendar sidebar or from the calendar event full view:

(b) The Calendar tab of the classroom/module:

(c) The Attendance tab of the classroom/module. On the Attendance tab, click Events and then the required calendar event to access the event's Mark Attendance page:

2. On the Mark Attendance page of the required calendar event, click Import Attendance.

The Import Attendance button will not be available for the calendar events which are not eligible for marking attendance due to the event's past and future date restriction.

For example, in the following screenshot, the attendance for the event cannot be marked as the Teamie site has the restriction configured for the attendance of events to be marked only if they are within 5 days in the past, or 5 days in the future. This configuration of restriction can vary from site to site.

3. Once you click the Import Attendance button, a new page opens. Click Download Template to download the template.

4. Open the excel template.

5. The template will have three columns:

  1. Username/Email (based on the primary identifier set on the site, in the following example the email is the primary user identifier)
  2. Attendance Status, and
  3. Duration (If time spent setting is disabled on the site, then only the first two columns will be present in the excel template)

6. Enter the email ID of the classroom learners with which they are registered on the site.

If an invalid email is used or if the user is not present, an error will be shown as "User is not found" after the sheet is imported.

Each row's user should be part of the current classroom and should have the 'learner' role. If not, an error 'User cannot have attendance marked for this event' will be shown.

7. Select the required attendance status that you wish to mark for the corresponding learners.

Each attendance status should be from the ones setup on the site (Present/Excused/Absent/Late/Above 75% etc). If not, an error 'Attendance status is invalid' will be shown.

8. If duration is configured on the site, you can either leave it empty or set the duration any value from 0 to the event duration. This will apply for all the configured statuses. Save the excel sheet.

For example, as shown in the following screenshot, for a 60 minute event, if you leave the duration empty, the system will assign the default 100% value to the user, i.e 60 minutes. But, you can choose to have the attendance status set as Present but still have attended duration as 50 minutes. Similarly, you can set the attendance status as Absent and assign the attended duration as 10 minutes. The use case for this is that the attendance might be imported from other platform, such as, Zoom and the data might use a range of duration (ex. everyone with over 75% attendance is being considered Present) to map to a value.

If duration is left blank, we will use the default duration values as configured for a site. For example, Present = 100%, Absent = 0%, Late = 70%.

By default, when marking attendance manually through the web the Present attendance status will assign = 100% and Absent will assign 0% duration, which cannot be changed. But, if required, your Teamie site can be configured such that you can set any value manually as well for these statuses, instead of them being uneditable and fixed at 100% and 0% respectively during marking attendance manually one user at a time.

The duration entered should be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the full duration. If not, an error 'Attendance duration is invalid' will be shown

9. Click Choose File and select the filled excel template from your system.

10. Click Import The Data Set.

11. Once the import process is done, you will be notified of the number of records that were successfully updated. You will also receive Attendance Import Status email on your registered email ID with the excel template attached.

Attendance Import Status: 01-Dec-2021 18:11 - - Teamie Pte Ltd Mail

12. The attached excel will have two additional columns 'Status' and 'Details'. Any error will be added as a message in the 'Details'  column, and if succeeded the 'Status' column will just say 'Successfully Marked'.

13. The imported attendance will now reflect on the Mark Attendance page of the calendar event.

Exporting attendance report for a classroom

2. Click to access the Events tab.

3. Click Export.

4. The attendance report will be downloaded for the classroom in excel format. Open the report in your system.

5. The excel sheet report will have all the data present on the Attendance page, such as the list of learners and their corresponding attendance details for each calendar events created for that classroom. Furthermore, the primary user identifier (username / email) will also be shown. In case, secondary identifier is enabled on your Teamie site, then that will also be shown next to the primary identifier column.

The exported reported will show the attendance data of active users of the classroom.

Exporting Attendance Summary report

As an instructor, you can export the attendance summary report in an excel format. An Export button will be shown on the Summary tab of the classroom's Attendance page. The excel report will shown the following columns:

  • Learner Name
  • User Identifiers (Username/password)
  • Attended Events / Attended Duration (minutes)
  • Percentage

2. By default, the attendance summary and the exported report shows the attendance data of all the Active users of the classroom. You can click the User Status dropdown and select 'All' or 'Inactive' option to view and export the attendance data of active users of the classroom as per your requirement.

3. Click Export to export the attendance summary report in an excel format.

4. The attendance summary report will be downloaded for the classroom in excel format. Open the report in your system. The excel report will shown the following columns:

  • Learner Name
  • Primary User Identifier (Username/password)
  • Attended Events / Attended Duration (minutes)
  • Percentage

In case, secondary identifier is enabled on your Teamie site, then it will also be shown next to the primary user identifier column.

Based on your site configuration, the summary report will show the attended events data or the attended duration data (in minutes).

Viewing attendance status in calendar

1. You can view the attendance status for all the calendar events from your main calendar and classroom specific calendar from the classroom's calendar.

2. All the calendar events will have the attendance icon which will have color as per the following conditions:

  • Green: The calendar events in which you have already marked the attendance
  • Grey: The calendar events (in the marking period) in which you have not marked the attendance
  • Yellow: The calendar events (not in the marking period) in which you have not marked the attendance

Attendance marking period for calendar events can be configured at site level. For example, a site can be configured in such a way that the attendance can only be marked for events that are within 10 days in the past, or 5 days in the future.

3. Clicking on a calendar event will open the event with the option to mark / edit / view the attendance as per its attendance status.
Absence Reports

Absence Reports is an optional feature that allows parents to submit a form with the reason behind the absence (before or after the event). The instructor for the event's classroom will be notified about the Absence Report and based on that the attendance of the learner can be modified by the instructor, if required. Let's see how you can create report absence and view absence report of your child.

Absence Reports is an optional feature that is not enabled, by default, on a site. It can be enabled on a site, on request.

Checking absence reports of a classroom

1. On the homepage, click the required classroom's card.

2. Click the Attendance tab inside the classroom.

3. You will land on the Summary tab. Click the Absence Reports tab.

4. This page will show the absence reports submitted by learners' parents for the corresponding events created for the classrooms. The table will show the following details:

  • Name of the learner
  • Event title for which the absence report was submitted
  • From and to date of event
  • Duration of the event
  • Attendance for the event
  • Link to view the absence report submitted for corresponding event(s)
  • Date and time of the absence report

The events will be listed chronologically, with the newest ones listed at the top.

You can click the View Report link to view absence report of the corresponding event. Furthermore, you can also click to view any attached documents in the report.

5. You can use the Attendance Status filter to quickly view the events based on their attendance status.

Checking absence report for an event

You can also access the absence report for an event while marking or editing learners' attendance for it.

You will also get bulletin board notifications when a parent files a absence report for their child in your classroom. You can also access the absence reports from those notifications.

(2) John Baur | Subordinates | Teamie Demo | Teamie Demo
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