
Rubric View

What is rubric view?

The Rubric View shows the scale that each student has achieved on each of the rubric criteria for all the assessments in a classroom. For assessments with no rubrics, just the numerical score would be shown (in case the assessments have been graded). The rubric criteria are grouped by the assessments that they were mapped to, and the same rubric criteria could show up in multiple assessments as different columns if they are attached to different assessments.

Accessing Rubric View

1. On the homepage, hover over a classroom card and click Gradebook of the required classroom.

2. The Rubric View is an additional tab on the Gradebook page of your class. Click Rubric View tab.

3. The Rubric View allows you to filter specific assessments or specific rubric criteria to get a more focused view of the performance of the learners. Hence, analyzing the learner performance for those sets of criteria will reveal a deeper understanding of learner performance.

You may also access Gradebook from the materials listing page and then switch to Rubric View.

Filters & Highlights

1. Rubric View allows you to filter specific assessments or specific rubric criteria to get a more focused view of the learners performance. However, given the amount of data in the rubric view can be a bit overwhelming to process easily. Hence, we have introduced the filters and highlight tools:


  • Sort by Sections, Summative / Formative, Assessment types
  • Sort by Active/Inactive users, criteria, Hide Self-assessment scores


  • Top/Bottom Scale
  • Top/Bottom Criterion
  • Heatmap

2. By default, the rubric view will show the list of assessment with rubrics, from all sections of the classroom.

Click the Section's dropdown, select a section of your choice to view the list of assessments from that specific section.

3. In order to see all the assessments which does not have rubrics associated with them, untick the "Show only assessments with rubric" checkbox.

4. Once the filter is applied, you will see the list of assessment(s) without rubric(s).

5. Summative assessments are the weighted assessments whereas Formative assessments are the assessments which are not considered for evaluation or not assigned any weightage in the classroom. By default, the Summative / Formative filter is set to All.

Apply the required filter from the dropdown to see the list of only Summative/Formative assessments.


6. Similarly, you can  also filter the assessments by assessment type. The filter is set to All by default.

Apply the required filter from the dropdown to see the list of only Online Quiz/Assignment/Offline Test.

7. By default, the Active/Inactive filter is set to Active that shows the list of active users. Apply the filters as explained below:

  • Inactive - to see the list of blocked users (blocked at site level).
  • All - to see the list of active and blocked users.
  • Active - to see only the list of active users.

8. Click Criteria dropdown to see the list of all criterion mapped with the assessments and then select the criteria of your choice to hide data from other criteria and analyze the learners performance and grade/regrade the attempt, if required.

You may select multiple criteria to hide and see the required data at any given point in time, in the rubric view.

9. Untick Hide Self-assessment scores checkbox to hide the self-assessed scales chosen by the learner(s), i.e. when the checkbox is unticked, the rubric view will only show the scales awarded by the instructor against each criteria to the learners.

10. The heatmap is enabled by default. The heatmap highlights cells with range of colors for non-scoring rubric criteria, and based on absolute value of score for scoring criteria and assessments. Click "Off" radio button to disable the heatmap in the rubric view.

11. The Highlight Criterion is enabled by default, which highlights cells with Top/Bottom two scales. Highlights criterion name if atleast 25% of class achieved Top/Bottom scale or 50% of class achieved Top/Bottom two scales.

12. The Highlight Scales is enabled by default, which highlights cells with Top/Bottom scale for each criterion. Only affects assessments with a rubric.

13. Click Export button to download the rubric view data into an excel format.

14. Click Refresh icon to fetch the latest stats/data in the rubric view. You may need to refresh the rubric view if

  • the assessments have been graded by you or other teachers (in case multiple teachers are added to the same classroom)
  • the new assessments with rubric have been added to the classroom
  • the existing assessments with rubric have been reverted to draft mode
  • the existing assessments with rubric have been deleted

15. Click Full Screen toggle to see the rubric data in full screen mode.

16. By default, the Rubric view data is sorted by learners' first name in alphabetical order.

17. Clicking First name for the second time will sort the rubric data in reverse alphabetical order of learners' First name.

18. Similarly, by default the rubric view data is sorted by learners' Last name in alphabetical order.

19. Clicking Last name for the second time will sort the rubric data in reverse alphabetical order of learners' Last name.

20. Hovering over an assessment cell will show the assessment's full name/title.

21. Similarly, hover over a criteria to see its full name.

22. Hovering over the chart shows the proportions of categorical data, with the size of each scale representing the percentage of each scale, i.e. how the learners have been graded using the associated criterion scale's.

23. Hovering over a cell will show the View attempt icon to open and view learner's attempt in a new tab. Click the View Attempt icon to view learner's attempt before starting the grading activity.

24. If submissions have been made by learners for an assessment but you (instructor/teacher) have not yet reviewed them, then a pending review (greyed out circle) icon will be shown for those learner(s).

25. Hovering over an empty white cell shows a flag that says "No Attempt", which indicates that the learner(s) have not yet made any submissions to the assessments.

Grading/Re-grading learners attempts from the rubric view

1. Click a cell to see all scales associated with the mapped criteria.

Hovering over a cell will show the View attempt icon to open and view learner's attempt in a new tab. Click the View Attempt icon to view learner's attempt before starting the grading activity.

2. Clicking upon the cell will show all the scales associated with the criteria mapped to the assessment, along with the previously awarded scales (highlighted in green).

Hover over the info (i) icon to view the scale's description (if added any).

3. Choose the required scale and click on it. The selected scales will be highlighted in green and the changes will be auto saved.

4. Click Clear Selection to undo the grading process.

5. Once the clear selection is done, the learner's attempt will be moved to "Pending Review" state which means that the instructor/teacher will need to grade the learner's attempt again.

6. Repeat the steps from #1 to #5 to grade the learner's attempt from the Rubric view.

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