The term “Digital Resource Links” refer to the resources such as web sites or an online platform that engage learners in learning activities and support learner's learning goals. In Teamie, the digital resources can be defined as links that have been conceived and created digitally or by converting non-digital materials to a digital format. And the digital resources can be empowering that allows learners to access information needed in or outside the classroom, as well as uploading offline materials and making it accessible for learners through digital resource links. The digital resource links provides access to digital information in preference to collecting and sharing the information in the form of links on Teamie.
This article will guide you on how to create digital categories and add new links and group them into categories on Teamie.
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Scroll down the navigation pane and then click Digital Resource Links.
3. On the Digital Resources Links page, you will see the list of available digital resources links, grouped by categories.
4. You may select a category of your choice to see the list of digital resource links associated with it.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. Click Manage Categories.
3. You will see the list of available categories on the manage categories page. Click + Add Digital Resource Category to add new category.
4. Enter the category title/name and then click Save to create the category.

5. You will see a success message stating that the "category" has been created successfully.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. Click Manage Categories.
3. Select a category of your choice and then click Edit to update the category title/name.
4. Rename the category title/name as required.

5. Click Save to save the changes.

6. The changes will be saved shortly.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. Click Manage Categories.
3. Select a category of your choice and then click Edit to delete the category.
4. You can't delete a category if it has some digital resources attached to it. Hence, you will first need to delete the attached digital resource links / change the category as explained in step no 4 of "editing a link" article and then delete the category.

5. Once, you have deleted the associated resource links or changed their categories, the Delete button will be enabled automatically to delete that category. Click Delete to proceed.

6. Click Delete again to confirm as this action can't be undone. Else, click Cancel to abort.
7. The category will be deleted permanently upon confirmation and will no longer appear in the list.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. Click Manage Categories.
3. You will see the list of all categories added so far. Press and hold the drag menu item of a category you want to reorder and drop it to a new position.
4. An asterisk symbol will appear in front of the re-ordered category which indicates that re-order activity is performed but changes are not saved yet. It will disappear once the changes are saved.
5. Click Save to save the re-ordered categories.
6. A success message appears showing that you have successfully saved the changes.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. On the Digital Resource Links page, click + Add new link.
3. Enter the resource link.
4. The following meta values will be fetched automatically from the resource link.
- Resource Name
- Description (if available at the resource link)
- Link Preview (if available at the resource link)
As a site administrator, you can change this information if required while creating a digital resource link.
4. Click Select Category drop down and choose a category you want to associate the digital resource link with.
5. Set the role-based access level. Role-based access control restricts digital resource links access based on a user's role within Teamie. For example, in the following screenshot, the digital resource link will only be viewed by the users whose site level role is Instructor.
6. Click Save Link to create the digital resource link.
7. A success message appears showing that you have successfully created the digital resource link.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. On the Digital Resource Links page, hover over the required link card and click Edit Link icon.
3. The edit link pop up opens. You may make the following changes while editing a digital resource link
- Change the resource link
- Change the resource name
- Update description
- Add a photo
- Change the category if required
- Set/Revoke the role-based access level. Role-based access control restricts digital resource links access based on a user's role within Teamie.
4. Click Select Category drop down and choose another category as required.
5. Set/Revoke the role-based access level.
6. Click Save Link to save the changes.
7. The changes will start reflecting immediately.
1. Access Digital Resource links page.
2. You will see the list of available digital resource links added so far on the Digital Resource Links page.
3. You may also select a category of your choice to see the list of digital resource links associated with it. In order to delete a digital resource link, hover over the link card and click Delete Link icon.
4. Click Delete to confirm.
5. The digital resource link will be deleted permanently upon confirmation and will no longer appear in the list. You may continue adding new link for that category if required.