
Content Security Mode

When the content security mode is enabled at the site level, then all the download buttons are removed at the site level and users are not allowed to copy any textual content. This can be configured at the classroom/module level as well, in addition to the site level.

Enabling content security mode at the site level

1. Click the sidebar and then click Manage Optional Features under Manage Teamie section.

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2. Click Enable on the Content Security Mode card.

3. Click I understand. Enable.

4. The feature will be soon enabled at the site level and you will get a bulletin board as well as email notifications as per your notifications preferences.

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Site with Content Security Mode Disabled:

Site with Content Security Mode Enabled:

As an administrator, you will always see the download button and will able to download the content regardless of the content security mode setting. Therefore, for the following use cases content security mode settings will be ignored:

  1. If you are a site level administrator, then you will be able to download all uploaded content on the site.
  2. If you are a group level administrator, then you will be able to download all uploaded content in that particular group/classroom.
Disabling content security mode at the site level

1. Click the sidebar and then click Manage Optional Features under Manage Teamie section.

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2. Click Disable on the Content Security Mode card.

3. Click I understand. Disable.

4. The feature will be soon disabled at the site level and you will get a bulletin board as well as email notifications as per your notifications preferences.

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Site with Content Security Mode Enabled:

Site with Content Security Mode Disabled:

Configuring content security mode settings at the classroom/module level

1. To configure the content security mode at a classroom level, first enable the content security mode at the site level.

2. Then, click the Configure Settings link on the Content Security Mode card.

3. Then, tick the Allow changing content security for individual groups checkbox. If ticked, then as an admin, you will be able to enable / disable content security for individual classrooms/groups.

4. Once you have allowed changing the content security for individual groups, you can also choose to set the default content security mode for all the classrooms/modules, either as Enabled or Disabled. This default content security will be applied to all the classrooms at the site level and you can change it if required. For example, we have set the Default content security as Disabled in the following example.

So, although the content security mode will be enabled at the site level, it will be disabled at each classroom level. Although, as an administrator, you can change the content security mode at individual classroom level later as per your requirement.

5. Click Save configuration to save the configuration.

6. A confirmation message will be shown once the configuration is saved.

As an administrator, you will always see the download button and will able to download the content regardless of the content security mode setting. Therefore, for the following use cases content security mode settings will be ignored:

  1. If you are a site level administrator, then you will be able to download all uploaded content on the site.
  2. If you are a group level administrator, then you will be able to download all uploaded content in that particular group/classroom.
Enabling / disabling content security mode at the classroom/module level

2. Access the required classroom/module in which you wish to change the content security mode. Then click the gear icon (settings) and select Edit module settings.

3. Scroll down to locate the Content Security Mode setting. The default content security mode will be enabled as the site level content security mode settings configuration. Click the dropdown and select the required content security mode setting for the classroom. For example, we are changing the content security mode of the classroom from the default (enabled) to Disabled.

4. Click Save to save the changes. Now, the content security mode will be disabled for this classroom/module.

Content Security Mode Disabled:

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