You need to be logged into the Teamie mobile apps to navigate and collaborate the Teamie way.
This article will guide you on:
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the CLASSROOMS menu option.

2. You will be taken to the STARRED screen where you will be able to able to view all your classrooms and social groups that you have starred, either via web or by Teamie mobile app.

3. Tap any classroom / social group to access it. You can also unstar a classroom / social group from this screen.

You can access all the classrooms, that you are member of, from the CLASSROOMS tab. You can then get access to the classrooms newsfeed, materials and other important modules, such as, the gradebook, leaderboard, dashboard and the list of members associated with that classroom. Let's see how you can access your classrooms.
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the CLASSROOMS menu option.

2. Tap the CLASSROOMS tab.

3. You will be taken to the classrooms screen where you will be able to view all the classrooms that you are member of. Tap on a classroom to access it.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the CLASSROOMS menu option.

2. Tap the SOCIAL GROUPS tab.

3. You will be taken to the social groups screen where you will be able to view all the social groups that you are part of.

A classroom newsfeed will contain all the posts that are shared with a particular classroom.
2. Tap on the required classroom.

3. By default, you will land on the POSTS tab of that classroom which is the classroom newsfeed. It will contain the aggregated posts shared with that classroom.

4. You can scroll up to view all the posts shared with that classroom.

Materials serves as a single dedicated space for accessing your learning resources (Lessons and Assessments) together instead of separate menu items. This dedicated space is called Materials and you can access it in the Teamie mobile app as well. The materials screen will have materials clubbed together in sections. You can also filter all the lessons and assessments irrespective of the sections they are in.
2. Tap on the required classroom.

3. You will land on the classroom's newsfeed. Tap MATERIALS tab.

4. The materials page of a classroom will have all its learning resources organised in respective sections. You can also filter all the lessons and assessments of the classroom, if required.


You will quickly get an overview of all the sections from its card view, i.e, the total number of lessons and assessments that each section have.
3. You will be able to view the learning resources of the sections in the same order as set on the web interface.

Items or learning resources of the deleted section won't get deleted and all the items in the section will move to the section above the removed section in your classroom.
2. Tap the down-arrow of the required section you wish to delete.

3. Tap Delete this section.

4. A confirmation prompt appears. Tap Yes if you are sure of deleting the section, else click No to go back to materials screen.

5. Only the section will be deleted. Items or learning resources of the deleted section won't get deleted and all the items in the section will move to the section above the removed section in your classroom.
2. Tap ALL LESSONS filter.

3. All the lessons shared with that classroom will appear in the All Lessons page.

- The lesson list will appear chronologically, that is, the lesson created that was created earliest will come at the top and the lesson created latest will appear at the bottom of the list.
- For learners, only the published lessons will appear, whereas for instructors both the published and draft lessons will appear.
2. Tap ALL ASSESSMENTS filter.

3. All the assessments (online quiz, assignments and offline tests) shared with that classroom will appear in the All Assessments page.

- The assessment list will appear chronologically, that is, the lesson created that was created earliest will come at the top and the lesson created latest will appear at the bottom of the list.
- For learners, only the published lessons will appear, whereas for instructors both the published and draft lessons will appear.
From a classroom's MORE screen you can access the following:
a) Gradebook
b) Members
c) Leaderboard
d) Stories (if the Stories feature is enabled on your Teamie site)
e) Dashboard (only for instructors)
Let's see how you can access MORE screen of a classroom.
2. Tap on the required classroom.

3. You will land on the classroom's newsfeed. Tap MORE tab.

4. The MORE screen options will appear.
2. Tap Gradebook.

3. If you are a learner you will see your gradebook for that classroom.

4. As an instructor, you will see the gradebook and perfomance of all the learners of that classroom.

2. Tap Members.

3. The Members screen open. You will be able to view the list of the members associated with that classroom.

Teamie points can be viewed as an encouraging reward for user activity on Teamie. A user earns Teamie points whenever he/she does certain actions like posting a thought, giving the right answer to a question etc.
A user can have different number of Teamie points for the different set of classrooms that he / she belongs to. On the user profile, the total Teamie points earned by that particular user (across all classrooms) is displayed. Every classroom also has a Leaderboard in which learners may compete to see who has higher Teamie points.
2. Tap Leaderboard.

3. The Leaderboard screen opens. You will be able to view the Teamie points obtained by the learners in that classroom.

Dashboard of a classroom provides instructors with the classroom's overview and learning progress. Classroom overview includes daily no. of visits to classroom by members, daily no. of posts, comments & replies made, daily no. of lesson pages accessed by learners, and daily no. of submissions made by learners. Whereas the classroom learning progress includes the total number of posts created, assessments submitted, lessons read, and the total time spent by learners in that classroom. Dashboard will only be visible for users with the 'Instructor' role. Let's see how you can access a classroom's dashboard.
2. Tap Dashboard.

3. The Dashboard screens opens. You can see the classroom's Overview and Learning Progress here.

As an instructor, now you can track all the activity done by your classroom members from the Activity Stream screen. Basically, the Activity Stream is a place from where you can know which resources (Posts, Lessons and Assessments) have been accessed, completed, when and by whom. So when you get to Activity Stream screen, you can sort through the list to see any user's activity report. Additionally, you may choose to see cumulative stats of all activity done by the classroom members on a particular resources. For e.g. as an instructor, you can find out how many users have finished reading a lessons or how many users have made submissions to an assessment and lots more. Dashboard will only be visible for users with the 'Instructor' role. Let's see how you can check the activity stream of a classroom.
2. Tap the Activity Stream tab.

3. The Activity Stream report shows which activities are done by enrolled users at the classroom level.

In case, the "Stories" feature is enabled on your Teamie site, you can access the stories created for a classroom from its MORE screen.
2. Tap Stories.

3. As an instructor, you will be taken to the Stories Summary screen where you will be able to view the summary details of all learners' stories from that classroom.

4. As a learner, you will be taken to the Stories Feed screen of that classroom which will list all the public stories created for that classroom.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the TO-DOS menu option.

2. You will be taken to the To-Dos screen where you will be able to view all your To-Dos. In case you are an instructor, your To-Dos will be divided into two sections: Ready for Review and Ongoing. (Read this to know more).

3. Tap on any section to expand / collapse it. By default the Ready for Review section will be expanded. You may hide a To-Do from appearing in a section permanently by tapping its Dismiss (x) icon.

4. In case you are a learner, you will land on the "All events" section by default. Click the ToDos toggle.

5. By default, Today and Tomorrow events will be expanded for you to view. Tap the up arrow to collapse them. Click here to know more.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the NOTIFICATIONS menu option.

2. You will be taken to the notifications screen where you will be able to view all your notifications and stay aware of what's happening on Teamie. You can tap any notification to access the corresponding module.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen where you will be able to view your profile information and some other modules to which you can navigate from the Teamie app.

3. Under Profile and More, you will be able to view your profile picture and name along with you site name. In case you are a learner, you will also be able to view your mini stats below your profile name.
Mini stats for learners:
How can a learner keep track of the progress he or she is making in each classroom? As a learner the 3 key questions in my mind would be How many lessons are pending for me to read? How many assessments are pending for me to submit? How many tasks are pending for me to do?
In the mini stats, we show learners these 3 stats as 3 little pie charts. If these 3 circles are completely green, then the learner doesnt have anything to be done!

4. Tap on your profile picture or name.

5. You will be taken to the Profile screen where you will be able to view your profile information.

You can now edit your profile information from the Teamie android app itself.
1. Tap the MORE menu option.

2. On the Profile and More screen, tap EDIT PROFILE.

3. A new screen will open inside the app that will allow you to edit your profile similar to how it is done on the web platform.

On the Teamie android app, you can access draft posts, scheduled posts, locker posts, locker lessons and locker assignments in your app Locker. Whereas, currently you can only access locker lessons from your Teamie iOS app locker.
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Locker.

3. You will be taken to the Draft Posts screen where you can access all your draft posts.

4. Tap schedule post icon to navigate to the Scheduled Posts screen from where you can access all your scheduled posts.

5. Tap locker post icon to navigate to the Locker Posts screen from where you can access all your published posts.

6. Tap locker lessons icon to navigate to the Locker Lessons screen from where you can access all your lessons.

7. Tap locker assessments icon to navigate to the Locker Assessments screen from where you can access all your assessments.

Teamie calendar is a tool that keeps you updated with the upcoming events and due dates. You can easily access your Teamie calendar from the Teamie app.
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Calendar.

3. You will land on the Calendar screen. Tap on the date which will be highlighted in blue to view the associated event.

4. The corresponding event will open as a pop-up.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Messages.

3. You will be taken to the Messsages screen where you can access all your messages and compose new ones.

If you are new to Teamie, or a pro wanting to clear some niggly doubts, all you need to do is visit the Teamie Help Center. The one-stop shop for all the help you need, whenever you need it! You can access the Teamie help center and surf relevant help articles right from the Teamie app. Let's see how.
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Help Center.

3. You will be taken to the Teamie Help Center screen where you can surf the relevant help articles according to your roles.

1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Support.

3. In Android, you will be prompted to choose your mail client for sending the support ticket to the Teamie support.

4. Your device information will be added to the mail automatically to help our support team to troubleshoot the issue. Type in the subject and mail body and press the send button. Your mail will be send to our support team and they will reply to your queries as soon as possible.
Do not remove the auto-filled footer information as it helps us troubleshoot your issue in a better manner.

Mobile app deep linking opens an app instead of a web browser when you tap a link to its website. In simple words, a link accessed on your mobile should open in the corresponding app and not the default browser. Makes sense, right?
As an instructor, you receive notifications for Lessons, Stories, Assignments & Quizzes, and Newsfeed for the classrooms which you are part of. You have the ability to control how you want to receive the notifications. So, lets say you enabled e-mail notification preferences in case someone posts a new thought. It would look something like this when seen on your mobile device:

With the deep linking support on the Teamie android app, you will be prompted to open the thought in your default web browser or the Teamie app.

Once you select Open with Teamie, the thought will open in the Teamie android app. There can be numerous use cases for deep linking, such as, accessing homework post or a classroom from the email notifications.

Why would you want to logout of such an awesome app! But in case you wish to logout from the Teamie app, follow the given steps:
1. On the main newsfeed, tap the MORE menu option.

2. You will be taken to the Profile and More screen. Tap Logout.

3. A confirmation message appears, tap LOGOUT to logout from the Teamie app.
Logging out of the Teamie Android app will remove any downloaded lessons (offline lessons). Although, updating the app from the Play Store will not remove your downloaded lessons.

4. You will be taken to the welcome screen from where you can log back in, if required.
