
Creating and Managing Assignments

This article will guide you on:

Adding an assignment

1. Click the global Add (+). You can add an assignment from any page by just clicking '+' at the top-right corner of the page.

2. Click Assignment.

3. You can also add an assignment from the materials page. On the Materials page, you have the freedom to add a new assignment at any desired location. For example, it can be at the top, in between two resources or right below the last item, a +Add link gives you the flexibility to add an assignment at the corresponding location.

4. Type in the assignment title.

5. Click Classroom drop-down and select the classroom in which you wish to create the assignment.

6. Click Section drop-down and select a section of your choice. The assignment will be created and placed at the end of the selected section.

7. Click Create and the assignment will be created shortly.

8.  Once the assignment is created, you will be redirected to the classroom's materials listing page and you will see that assignment in expanded view by default.

9. Type in the assignment instructions for the learners to go through. If required, you can also format the instruction's text using the available rich text options by selecting the text.

We also have the site-level option to set default text values for assignment instructions. This can be used to provide the creator some guideline on what should be added in an assignment or to add some default text that is used frequently throughout the assignment instructions at the site level. Kindly contact your site administrator or write to us in order to set a default text value for your Teamie site.

10. You can attach documents to the assignment from your system, Google Drive or One Drive. Here we are uploading documents from the system. Take note that the third party services such as Google Drive and OneDrive will be available for picking documents as per your site configuration.

Note: You can attach multiple documents to your assignment at a time.

11. The selected document(s) will get attached to the assignment shortly.

12. Pick the Available From and Due date of the assignment. Available From is the date from which the assignment will be available to the learners and Due Date is the deadline for the learners to make the submissions for the assignment.

As the help text indicates, this Assignment will become available to learners at the specified date and time (the future date). Hence, the learners will only be allowed to make submission to this assignment once it is published on the set future date. In order to publish and make the assignment available instantly for the learners, click make it available now.

13. In case you wish to allow learners to make late submission after the assignment deadline then tick the Yes radio button and enter the late submission time frame by which learners should make an attempt to the assignment. The time frame could be in minute(s), hour(s) and day(s).

14. Click Grading to expand the grading settings block. By default, an assignment is created with a Score of '1'.

The following three types of grading settings are available for an assignment out of which at least one setting needs to be enabled:

  • Score
  • Rubric
  • Grade Scheme

As an instructor, you can select one, two or all three aforementioned settings as per your requirement.

In case your Teamie site has 'Grading Component' enabled, the Grading Component setting will also be shown under the assignment Grading setting. Take note that the Grading Component setting along with the Summative/Formative settings are independent of the above settings.

15. In case you wish to attach rubric to an assignment, click the Rubric setting to open the Assign rubric/objective page.

16. Then, select the required rubric. In case a scoring rubric is selected, the assignment's total score will be changed automatically based on the rubric's maximum score. If a non-scoring rubric is attached, then it will not affect the score of the assignment and the rubric scales will be used only for the feedback  without affecting the assignment score.

17. When a rubric is attached to an assignment, you will have the option to enable the self-assessment option. Click here to learn more about the self-assessment feature.

18. Click the Grade Scheme setting to open the Grade schemes page in order to set a grade scheme for the assignment. A grade scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a classroom. Grade schemes are based on percentage ranges, and each percentage range is given a name (name value could be alphanumeric). A grade scheme can include any number of achievement levels.

19. Search for the grade scheme that you wish to map to the assignment.

You can quickly filter the grade schemes created by you by ticking the Show only mine checkbox.

20. Click on the grade scheme name to select and then click Set grade scheme to attach the grade scheme to the assignment.

21. Click x to remove the mapped scheme or click Change to replace the attached grade scheme.

If 'Grading Component' is enabled on your Teamie site, then the Grading Component setting will also be available, Click Select Grading Component and select a grading component from the drop down (this option will only appear if this feature (Grading Component) is enabled on your site.

If enabled at site level, the grading components will remain same for all the classrooms. On the other hand, if it is enabled at classroom level, then instructors can create grading component based on their requirement, group assessments by grading components and grade all types of assessments (Assignment, Online Quiz and Offline Test). Click here to learn more about creating and managing grading components.

22. By default an assignment is set as Formative. Click the Summative radio button to make the assignment summative. Then, enter the assignment weightage if you want the scores obtained in this assignment to be considered for evaluation. Take note that the Weightage can be '0%' as well, if required.

23. Click the Submissions bock to expand the submissions settings.

24. Click the Maximum no. of attempts drop down and select the required number of attempts. Learners will be allowed to attempt the assignment as per the maximum number of attempts. By default, the maximum number of attempts is set to '1'.

 25. There are the following three modes of submission that you can allow learners to use:

  • Text entry - To allow learner to type out their answers. You can set a limit on the number of characters or words that  will be allowed for the submission. Leave it empty if you do not wish to set a limit. This setting is unchecked by default.
  • Files - To allow learner to upload files for submission.
    • Audio - To allow learner to upload an audio file for submission. This setting will only be available if the Files setting is enabled.
    • Turnitin: Using the Teamie - Turnitin integration, you can check the similarity score of a learner's submission along with the report of the sources from which the content is being used in the submission. This setting will be available only if your Teamie site has the Turnitin integration. This setting will only be available if the Files setting is enabled.
  • Google Document submission / OneDrive Document submission: These options for picking files from Google / OneDrive will be available in case the corresponding integration are done on your Teamie site.

(Note: Tick Lock Google Document / OneDrive after submission to prevent learners from making any changes to the Google/OneDrive document, once they submit it. Click here to learn more about Google - 'Make a Copy' feature).

 26. By default, learners cannot make any more submissions once there scores are published (even though they might have available attempts as per the Maximum no. of attempts setting). In case you want to allow learners to make submissions even after scores are published then tick the Yes button for the 'Allow attempts after scores are published' sub-setting.

If the 'Allow attempts after scores are published' sub-setting is enabled, the attempt that scores are published with will be the one considered for grading. If an attempt submitted after the scores are published is to be considered for grading, it will have to manually set by the teacher after the attempt is graded.

In case, an instructor has created an assignment and allowed learners to make multiple attempts (for example, learner can make up to 5 attempts) to the assignment.

Now, let's assume, a learner made first three attempts and yet has the chance to make another two attempts. In the meantime, as an instructor, you have graded any of the learners attempt and published their marks, then learners will not be able to retake the assignment even when the maximum number of attempts value is not yet reached, because once marks are published, learners can not make any attempt. To allow learners to make another attempt, you may just grade learner's submission and also may add feedback on any of the attempt made so far, but you should not publish their marks. This will allow learners to retake the assignment after seeing instructor's feedback and then you may consider the recent attempt for final evaluation, grade it and publish mark. For this, you can unpublish scores.

Note: The aforementioned case is not applicable if the 'Allow attempts after scores are published' setting is enabled by an instructor.

 27. When "Allow viewing draft attempts" option is ticked, then instructors will be able to view the learners' draft attempts.

This will be applicable for both normal assignments as well as assignments with Google 'make a copy' setting enabled.

 28. In case you want learners to work on this assignment in a group/team, then you can enable group submission option for this assignment by just ticking the Yes button under the Allow group submission section and then create the groups (by clicking the manage teams link) and move the learners into respective groups.

You cannot enable group submission with self-assessment.

29. Click Yes to enable the Require Safe Exam Browser setting. This setting will only be available if the SEB is enabled on your Teamie site. Click here to learn more about configuring SEB in assessments.

30. Click to open the Sharing pane and then click the Classrooms box to select the classrooms from the dropdown with which you want to share your assignment.

31. You won't be able to share an assignment with weightage > 0 with teams or learners!

32. If you wish to share your assignment with the assessment bank , tick the Yes radio button and your assignments will be available in the assessment bank. It can now be reused by other instructors in their classrooms.

33. By default, the newly created assignment will be saved in Draft mode. Draft assignments are not available to the learners.  Click Publish to publish the assignment so that it becomes available for the learners.

34. In case you wish to revert published assignment into draft, then click settings (...) icon and select Revert to Draft option from the drop-down menu.

In case multiple users are on the same assignment and one of them makes a change, then that will become the latest version of that material. Any other user on the same page will be shown a refresh prompt to refresh the page.

This will be a mandatory action and any user(s), not on the latest version, will need to refresh the page in order to make any changes. This change will make sure that no changes are accidentally overridden when more than one user is editing content on Teamie.

Editing an assignment

1. Go to the required classroom's materials page.

2. Click to expand the assignment that you want to edit.

3. The moment, you click on the assignment, it would open in the expanded view where you can make the required changes, such as changing the title or instructions. Your changes will be auto-saved.

4. You can also change the maximum number of attempts value from 1 to some required value.

5. If you've allowed learners to make textual submission, then you can set characters/words limits.

6. All your changes will be automatically saved.

Assigning a rubric to an assignment

1. Edit an assignment. In the expanded view, click Grading and Rubric block and then click Pick or create rubric.

2. Search for the rubric you wish to map to this assignment. Once you find the rubric of your choice, then click on the rubric title to select it and then click Attach to attach the rubric to this assignment.

You can also create a new rubric by clicking the + Create new rubric button at the top right of the screen. The rubric name will have the assessment name prefixed.

3. The selected rubric will be mapped instantly and the assignment's maximum score will be overridden by the rubric's maximum score.

Copying an assignment

You can create a copy of an assignment in the same classroom or copy it to another classroom from the assignment settings. Let's see how you can do this:

Creating a copy of an assignment in the same classroom

1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required assignment.

2. Click Make a copy from the drop-down to create a copy of this assignment in this classroom.

3. The assignment will be copied and you will see the confirmation with a link to refresh the page.

4. Once you refresh the page, you will be able to locate the copied assignment at the bottom of the section from which you have copied the original assignment.

The assignment will be in draft state. Publish the assignment as per your requirement.

Copying an assignment to another classroom

1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required assignment.

2. Click Copy to... from the drop-down to create a copy of this assignment in your other classrooms.

3. Select the classroom in which you wish to make a copy of this assignment.

You can copy an assignment to only one classroom at a time.

4. Select the section in the target classroom in which you wish to copy the assignment. Then, click Copy here.

5. A confirmation message appears and the assignment will be copied to the selected classroom.

6. You can locate the copied assignment in the target classroom. It will be in placed at the bottom of the selected section.

The assignment will be in draft state. Publish the assignment as per your requirement.

Viewing learner's submissions

It is easy to track the status of an assignment's submission to keep up to date with how learners are doing with their assignment submissions.

1. In assignment's expanded view, you will be able to see the number of learners who have made submissions for the assignment out of the total learners with whom the assessment is shared. Click on View attempts to see more information on the Submissions page.

Note: You can also access the submissions page directly by clicking "View Attempts" from an assignments card / list view.

2. Here, you can also search for an individual learner's submission by typing his/her name in the Name search box and system would filter the results.

3. You also have the freedom to find out the list of learners how have made the submissions. To do this, you can simply apply Submitted filter from the Submission Status drop down field and system will filter the results for you. Similarly, you can use remaining filters on the View Attempts page.

4. Click View Attempts link next to the learner's name to view the learner's submission.

5. You can go through the learner's submission and grade it.

6. In case an assignment is shared with multiple classrooms and now you want to view attempts made by all the learners for that assignment, then click clicking here link and it will take you to all the submissions made for that assignment in all the classrooms.

Sending Reminders

Sending reminders is a very useful feature which allows you to send email reminders to the learners who are yet to submit their assessments. It is easy, fast and can be done in just a few clicks. Let us see how it is done:

1. Go to View Attempts page of the assignment and then select Not Started filter from the Submission Status drop down. This will show the list of learners how have not yet started making submission to the assignment.

Note: Similarly, you can send reminders to learners whose submissions are in draft state.

2. Tick the check box corresponding to the learner(s) from the list as shown below.

3. Click Send reminder.

4. Enter the email text in the reminder text body. The reminder body will also contain the assignment link, for learners to access the assignment directly from the email reminder.

5. In order to send a copy of the reminder to instructors (or teachers), tick the "Send a copy to instructors" checkbox so that a copy of the reminder is sent to all instructors of the classrooms. This may be useful to keep track of all the reminders sent to the students for pending assignments. This option remains unchecked by default.

6. Similarly, in order to send a copy of the reminder to parents, tick the "Send a copy to parents" checkbox so that they get to know about the pending assignment(s) of their child. This option remains unchecked by default.

7. Click Send Email to send the reminder email.

8. A success message confirms that the reminder has been sent successfully.

Deleting an assignment

1. On the materials listing page, find an assignment you want to delete.

2. You can delete an assignment from the list/card view by clicking on the gear icon and selecting Delete Assignment option from the drop-down menu.

3. Click Yes, Delete! to confirm the delete action. Please note, this action can not be undone and the deleted assignment cannot be recovered.

You can also delete an assignment from its expanded view by clicking on the Gear(...) icon and selecting Delete Assignment option from the drop-down menu.

Parent Visibility Toggle Setting (Gradebook)

Parents can have access to the assignments that are shared with their child when they have access to their gradebook as per the site configuration. As an instructor, you can restrict this access at the assignment level by choosing to show or not show an assignment to parents in their child's gradebook. Let's see how you can do this:

1. As an instructor, click to expand the required assignment.

2. Click to expand the Parent Access settings.

3. Under Make visible to parents setting, tick to enable Score and comments.

4. Once you tick this checkbox, then the score, any assessed rubric criteria, and comments on the current attempt (i.e. considered for grading) will be made visible to the parent(s) when they access their child's gradebook.

  • A parent will be able to view the score / comment(s) for an assignment only when the instructor publishes them for the learner to see.
  • Even if the score/comments are not published, as long as the setting is ticked, the assessment will be visible with the title and weightage to the parents.
  • If the Score and comments setting is unticked, the assessment will not be visible to parents when they access their child's gradebook.

5. Once you have enabled the Score and comments setting, you will be able to see a subsetting - Submissions. Ticking and enabling it will allow parents to view the actual attempt made by the learner along with any attached file. This view will be similar to how learner view their own attempts/records. Although, parents would not be able to add comments to the learner attempt/record.

The Submissions subsetting will be visible only if the Score and comments setting is enabled first.

Enabling 'Make visible to parents' setting on your site

In case you wish to enable these 'Make visible to parents' settings, you need to write to us. Also, kindly let us know whether you need this setting to be enabled automatically for all the existing assignments as well on the site. If not enabled, then all the existing assessments will not be visible to the parents in their child's gradebook.

Video tutorials

How to create an assignment and set assignment settings?

How to create a rubric?

How to send reminders to learners for materials?

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