
Grading Assignment Submissions

As an instructor, you will be reviewing and grading assignment submissions once learners completes/submits the assignments for final evaluation. At the time of reviewing assignment submissions, you can provide score, grade and additional feedback/comment, if any. You also when the feedback / comments becomes visible to the learners, so they can refine the assignment further after seeing your feedback/comment and then resubmit the assignment for final evaluation.

This article will guide you on:

Viewing assignment submissions listing page

1. On the home page, hover your cursor over the required classroom and click Materials.

2. Click View attempts of the required assignment.

Information regarding the number of learner(s) who have attempted the assignment will be shown out of the total number of learners with whom the assignment was shared with. You will also see the number of attempts which are pending for review (that you are yet to grade).

3. This table shows the list of all the learners along with their submissions status.

Viewing learners' attempts

1. Access assignment submissions listing page of the required assignment.

2. Click View Attempts link shown next to the learner name to view the submission made by that learner.

The number of attempts made by the learners will be mentioned in parenthesis, in case learner have made more than one attempt for the assignment (for assignments in which instructors have allowed multiple submissions). For example, in the following screenshot, Jessica Karl have made 2 attempts for the assignment and therefore it is mentioned "View Attempts (2)". A Pending Review text will be shown for the attempts that are not yet graded by you.

A 'Late Submission' icon will be shown if any attempt is made after the deadline (in the allowed late submission period).

3. On the attempts page, you will see the submission text, links and attachments etc added by the learner (as per the assignment submission settings).

4. By default, Teamie consider learners' most recent attempt for grading. Click the Attempt drop down and select any other attempt for grading, if required.

An 'On-time' label will be present if the attempt was made before the due date (if any. A 'Delayed' label will be shown if any attempt is made after the deadline (in the allowed late submission period).

Removing individual learner's attempt

2. The most recent attempt will be shown by default. Click the Attempt drop down and select the required attempt that you wish to delete.

3. Once you have selected the attempt for deletion, click the Delete icon.

4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes, Delete! button to confirm and delete the selected learner's attempt. Click Cancel to go back.

Please note, deleted attempt(s) can not be recovered / restored.

5. The learner's attempt would be deleted and you would be brought back to the View attempts page where you can see the total number of attempts made by that learner is reduced by one, i.e. the attempt that you have removed.

Consider an attempt for grading from multiple attempts made by a learner

As an instructor, you always have the choice to select a particular learner's attempt for grading, when a learner has made multiple attempts to the assignment. By default, Teamie considers learner's most recent attempt for grading.

2. Select the required learner's attempt that you wish to considering for grading from the Attempts drop down. By default, the latest attempt is considered for grading.

3. Then tick the Consider this attempt for grading checkbox.

4. The selected attempt would be considered for grading.

Grading learners' submissions (normal score grading)

3. Go through learner's attempt.

4. Evaluate the submission and assign the appropriate score in the given box. The score will be auto saved. If any grade scheme is set for the assignment , the grade will be automatically set as per the score assigned.

Scores will be visible to learners only when you publish them. Saving the scores will assign the scores to the submission, but you need to publish the scores to make it visible to the learners. Comments/feedback will be published by default.

5. Similarly, you can grade other learner's submissions by navigating to their submission from the Learners' listing drop-down.

A tick mark is added infront of learners to indicate that their attempts have already been reviewed. This will help you view the learners whose attempts you have not yet reviewed from the dropdown itself and quickly navigate through them.

6. The learner attempts page also had navigation icons for the next and previous learners attempt. Indicators are also present to show if the next or previous learners attempt is already reviewed or is pending for review. This is done with the help of a tool tip that will show the review status of the next/previous learners attempt. Furthermore, if a learner is already reviewed, their next or previous navigation icons background color will be changed to indicate the same.

Grading learners' submissions (scoring rubric grading)

2. Click Rubric button to grade learning's attempt using rubric. Depending on the type of the rubric (scoring / non scoring), the marks can be given to the learner. In case of scoring rubric, select the appropriate scale to assign the points according to their respective criteria. Score will assigned on the basis of the sum of all the selected scales as shown below:

3. Once the grading is done, you need to publish the scores for learners to see them. In case of the assignments with scoring rubric, the selected rubric scales are published along with the scores.

4. The learner's attempt has limited space if rubric popup is opened, and if you have to review the learner's attempt before grading then you may experience readability issues. Hence, as an instructor, you can now quickly pin the rubric to the bottom of the page by clicking Pin rubric icon. If required, you can unpin at anytime.

5. Click Unpin to unpin the rubric again.

Grading learners' submissions (non-scoring rubric grading)

Non-scoring rubric allows teachers to grade learners based on just the rubric criteria and not the scores. Scores need to be entered separately during the grading process. The rubric scales are published along with the comments on the learner submission.

2. Click Rubric button to grade learning's attempt using rubric. In case, a non-scoring rubric is attached to the assignment, the score needs to be given separately after assigning scales for the criteria. The scales does not update the score as the rubric attached is non-scoring rubric and the scales are to provide feedback rather than score.

3. Enter the scores separately and publish them for learners to see. The scores will be auto-saved.

The rubric scale and the comments are published by default and is independent of the scores being published.

Giving and publishing / unpublishing feedback on learners attempt

As an instructor you can give feedback on learners' submission in the form of textual comments, audio recording, document, video, and audio attachments along with scales (if a non-scoring rubric) is attached to the assignment. Also, you can add a comment on a specific rubric's criteria if a rubric is attached to the assignment. By default, feedback added by an instructor would be visible to the learners.

In case a non-scoring rubric is attached to the assignment, the selected scales will be published along with the feedback (comments), by default. This way learners can get the rubric feedback to improve on their submission and make another attempt, if available.

2. To add textual feedback, enter text in the Enter your comment here text box. Then click Submit.

3. Click the microphone icon to record audio feedback / comment.

4. In case, browser prompts for an authorization (this is one time authorization) before accessing your system's microphone, then please allow the browser to access your system's microphone and click Record button to record the audio comment.

5. Click Stop when you are done recording your audio comment.

6. If required, click the Play icon to playback the recorded audio comment before adding it to the learner's submission.

7. Click Delete icon to delete the recorded audio comment and record the new audio, if required. Click Submit to submit the feedback comment.

8. You can also attach document, video, and audio attachments in assessment feedback (comments). Click the attachment icon to open the file picker using which you can attach documents, audio files, videos, and images. You can also add text to the comment along with the attachment.

Each comment can only have one attachment - either a recorded audio or an uploaded attachment. If a comment already has an attachment, the attachment icon will not be shown anymore.

9. Click Submit to add the comment.

A download button will also be present to download the attachments, if applicable.

10. Clicking on the attachments will allow the user to view the attachment.

11. By default, comment(s) added by you, as an instructor, would be visible to the learners. Click Unpublish Comments in order to unpublish the comments and rubric feedback (if any) and make it unavailable for learners to see. This setting is independent of publishing scores, i.e., you can choose to keep the feedback published without choosing to publish the scores and vice versa.

Comments will be organised chronologically, older comments would be appearing at the top and recent comments would be appearing at the bottom.

In case a non-scoring rubric is attached to an assignment, the selected scales will be published along with the feedback (comments), by default. This way learners can get the rubric feedback to improve on their submission and make another attempt, if available.

Publishing / Unpublishing score of an individual learner

As an instructor, once you have graded learner's submission, next step would be to publish their score.

2. Click the Publish Score button of the required learner. Once the mark is published, that learner would be able to see the marks (score) on the "View my attempts" page.

3. Repeat step 2 to publish other learner's marks whose submission(s) have been reviewed and graded.

4. Click the Unpublish Score button to unpublish score.

In case, an instructor has created an assignment and allowed learners to make multiple attempts (for example, learner can make up to 5 attempts) to the assignment.

Now, let's assume, a learner made first three attempts and yet has the chance to make another two attempts. In the meantime, as an instructor, you have graded any of the learners attempt and published their marks, then learners will not be able to retake the assignment even when the maximum number of attempts value is not yet reached, because once marks are published, learners can not make any attempt. To allow learners to make another attempt, you may just grade learner's submission and also may add feedback on any of the attempt made so far, but you should not publish their marks. This will allow learners to retake the assignment after seeing instructor's feedback and then you may consider the recent attempt for final evaluation, grade it and publish mark. For this, you can unpublish scores.

Note: The aforementioned case is not applicable if the 'Allow attempts after scores are published' setting is enabled by an instructor.

If the 'Allow attempts after scores are published' sub-setting is enabled, the attempt that scores are published with will be the one considered for grading. If an attempt submitted after the scores are published is to be considered for grading, it will have to manually set by the teacher after the attempt is graded.

Publishing / Unpublishing Score in bulk

In case you have graded a lot of learners, then you don't necessarily have to publish their scores one at a time. You can publish learner scores in bulk using the bulk operation on the assignment submissions listing page. Similarly, you can unpublish learner scores in bulk too. Let's see how this can be done.

1. Access assignment submissions listing page of the required assignment.

2. On the submissions listing page, you would see a field "Select to do bulk operations", tick mark this checkbox.

3. Selecting this checkbox will invoke the bulk operation actions like Publish and Unpublish scores, Publish and Unpublish feedback, Removing attempts and Sending reminder emails.

4. All learners are selected by default when bulk operation actions are invoked.

5. Select the learners whose scores need to be published, then click Publish Scores button.

6. Click Yes, Publish to confirm and publish the marks for the selected learners. Else, click No, cancel to go back.

7. Clicking Yes, publish will initiate the scores publishing process.

8. A confirmation message appears stating that the scores have been published for the selected learners.

9. To unpublish the scores, select the learners, then click Unpublish Scores button.

10. Clicking Yes, unpublish will initiate the scores unpublishing process.

11. A confirmation message appears stating that the scores have been unpublished for the selected learners.

Publishing / Unpublishing Feedback in bulk

The feedback can be published/unpublished independent of the scores, i.e. even if the scores are unpublished, you can publish the feedback.

In case of a non-scoring rubric, the feedback(comments) and the selected rubric scales are published by default for the learners to see.

1. On the submissions listing page of the assignment , select the learners whose feedback needs to be published, then click the Publish feedback button.

The Publish feedback will be shown as 'Publish Comments', for an assignment with no rubric / scoring rubric attached and 'Publish Rubric & Comments' for an assignment with a non-scoring rubric attached.

2. Click Yes, Publish to confirm and publish the feedback for the selected learners. Else, click No, cancel to go back.

3. Clicking Yes, publish will initiate the feedback publishing process.

4. A confirmation message appears stating that the feedback have been published for the selected learners.

5. To unpublish the feedback, select the learners, then click the Unpublish feedback button.

6. Clicking Yes, unpublish will initiate the feedback unpublishing process.

7. A confirmation message appears stating that the feedback have been unpublished for the selected learners.

Removing learner's attempts in bulk

1. On the submissions listing page of the assignment, select the learner(s) whose attempts you wish to remove and then click the Remove attempts button.

2. Click Yes, remove to confirm and remove all attempts made by the learner(s). Else, click No, cancel to go back.

In case a learner has more than one attempts, all the attempts will be removed. If you wish to remove a single attempt of the learner, then read this article "Removing individual learner's attempt" for more information.

3. Once you confirm, system initiates the process to remove the selected learner(s) attempts.

4. A confirmation message appears stating the learner(s) attempts have been removed.

Sending Email to learners in bulk

As an instructor, you may need to remind learners sometime to make the submission to the assignment, if they have not yet started or have kept their submission in draft mode, before the deadline. However, as an instructor, you may have several other cases where you want to send an email to a group of learners regarding the submission even after they have made an attempt - a common one being the instructor requiring a particular group of learners to reattempt the assessment. So, you can do that too, i.e, send email to group of learners who have already made an attempt by using this feature. Let's see how to do this.

1. On the submissions listing page of the assignment, select the learner(s) who needs to be reminded and then click the Send email button.

2. In the Send Email template, add your response in the text box below.

3. Click Send Email button to send the reminder for the selected learner(s).

As an instructor, you have the option to send a copy of the reminder to all the instructors in that classroom. This is similar to how we use the CC option while sending an email to keep the recipients in loop. Click the Send a copy to instructors checkbox to send a copy of the reminder to all the instructors in that classroom

This can be very handy in case a classroom has more than one instructor as all of them would be informed when a reminder is sent to the learners. Furthermore, this can be used as a record keeping tool by instructors as they would have an email record of when they have sent the reminder and to whom. For instance, an instructor can now have a record that a certain number of reminders were sent to learners before their marks were deducted for late submission.

As an instructor, you can also choose to send the learner notifications to their parents as well. This will be practically cc'ing the parents on learners notification and keeping them apprised.

Note: This is an optional feature and can be enabled on your Teamie site on request.

Download learners attempts

1. On the submissions listing page of the assignment, click Download Attempts button to download all the learners attempts along with uploaded attachments in the form of a zip file.

2. Downloading attempts process starts and you will receive an email with the link to download the submissions.

3. Click Download Export link received on your registered email.

Note: Download link will be available for only 7 days.

4. Once the download process is completed, a .zip file will be downloaded in your local system. Unzip the file to view the submissions details of each learner. If any attachments are present in the learners' submissions, then folders will be present with their names containing those attachments. Else, only a consolidated Submissions PDF will be present for the submission details of all learners at one place.

In case, if an assignment is shared with multiple classrooms, then system will create that many folders after .zip is extracted. For example, if an assignment is shared with General knowledge and Physics classrooms, hence two separate folders will created for each classrooms to contain the submissions of each learner from respective classrooms. You can navigate to the required folder to view learners submission.

5. Extracted folder will also download a consolidated file (PDF) having the submission(s) details of all learners at one place. Open the submissions pdf file to view each learner's submission who have already made the submission to the assignment.

The folders, created by learner's name will contain the file submissions made by the learners to the assignment. In case, no file submission is made by a learner, no folder will be created for that learner.

Note: Youtube links and Google drive documents are not downloaded.

We also have a site-level setting to hide individual user's attempt details in the PDF export of the assessment which can be enabled be from our end. If this setting is enabled, the submissions.pdf will not contain individual attempt details and will just be a summary table of all the users. Any uploaded attachments will continue to be present in the folders labelled with the learner name.

6. Similarly, you can download the attempts report with the current view by clicking Download Report button.

7. Downloading attempts process starts and the report will be downloaded with the current view shortly.

8. Likewise, you may also download the detailed report by clicking Download Detailed Report button. This report shows all the learners attempts with scores and responses.

9. Downloading attempts process starts and the report will be downloaded shortly.

Applying Filters

As an instructor, you can apply a variety of filters on the view attempt page of an assignment.

1. By default, system shows all the learners along with their submission details, on the view attempts page of an assignment.

2. You may search for a specific user by typing user's name in the Name search box and the table will show up the matching results.

3. Similarly, you can sort the learners list by their First or Last name.

Note: By default, learners are listed in alphabetical order by their first name.

4. Click Last Name to filter learners list by their last name in ascending order.

5. Click Last Name filter again to view the learners list in descending order by their Last Name.

Similarly, click First Name filter to view learners list in descending order by their first name.

Sorting Learners Submissions by applying Submission Status filter

By default, system shows all the learners on the view attempts page of an assignment, irrespective of learners submission status. In Teamie, the following submission status are available:

  • All: Sum of Not Started, Draft and Submitted status (applied by default).
  • Not started: Use this filter to see the list of learners who have not yet started making submission to the assignment.
  • Draft: Use this filter to see the list of learners who have started making submission and saved it as draft.
  • Submitted: Use this filter to see the list of learners who have already made the submissions and are ready for review.

You can also select multiple combinations, such as selecting learners with Not Started and Draft status and send them reminders to complete the assessment.

6. Click the Submission Status drop-down field. By default, all the submission statuses (Not Started, Draft and Submitted) will be selected. Unselect all the status except Not Started to filter the list of learners who have not yet started making submission to the assignment.

7. Click the Submission Status drop-down field and unselect all status except Draft to filter the list of learners who have started making submission and saved it as draft.

8. Click the Submission Status drop-down field and unselect all status except Submitted filter to see the list of learners who have already made the submissions and are ready for review.

Sorting Learners Submissions by applying Review Status filter

Note: By default, All filter is applied (combination of Pending Review and Reviewed).

9. Click the Review Status drop-down field and select Pending Review filter to see the list of learners whose submission's are pending for review.

10. Click the Review Status drop-down field and select Reviewed filter to see the list of learners whose submissions have already been graded.

Sorting Learners Submissions by applying Last Submission Status filter

Note: By default, All filter is applied (combination of On-time and Late).

11. Click the Late Submission Status drop-down field and select On-time filter to see the list of learners who have made the submissions on time.

12. Click the Late Submission Status drop-down field and select Late filter to see the list of learners who have made the submissions after the deadline.

You will also see a label "Late Submission" for the submission which has been made after the set deadline.

Sorting Learners Submissions by applying User Status filter

Note: By default, system will show Active users from the classroom.

13. Click the User Status drop-down field and select All filter to see the list of all the learners who are in Active or Blocked state.

14. Click the User Status drop-down field and select Blocked filter to only see the list of learners who are in Blocked state. A block icon appears next to a learner's name indicating that the learner's access to this classroom has been blocked.

Viewing the learners submission from a particular classroom when assignment is shared with multiple classrooms

1. Click View attempts button of the required assignment.

2. You will land on the Submissions page of the classroom from which you have accessed the assignment. On the submissions listing page, you would see an instruction informing that "This assignment has been shared with"number of" classrooms/modules", View attempts from all the classrooms by clicking here", where clicking here is a hyperlinked text. Click the clicking here link to view attempts of learners from all the classrooms.

3. Now, you would see the list of learners from all the classrooms, the assignment is shared with, along with their submission status.

4. In case, you wish to view the list of learner's submission from a particular classroom, click the Classrooms drop-down field and refine your search by removing the classroom(s) whose submissions you don not wish to view by unticking it. In this case, we do not wish to see the learner's submission from Effective Communication Skills classroom.

5. Once the filter is applied, you would see the list of learners from the selected classroom(s) only, and then you may continue the grading process as per your requirement.

Some learners might be part of more than one classroom and if the assignment is shared with more than one classroom in which learner(s) is part of, they will be listed more than one time on the submissions page respective to their classrooms.

Making a submission on the learner's behalf

1. On the home page, hover your cursor over the required classroom and click Materials.

2. Click View attempts button for a particular assignment to see each individual submission details along with the date and time that it was submitted. If the assignment was submitted after the due date, you will see a late label.

3. Hovering over the Attempts cell next to the required learner’s name highlights a downwards arrow and clicking on this icon shows an option called Make New attempt.

4. Click on the "v" (arrow) again and then click Make a new attempt to make a new submission on the learner's behalf.

5. Select a file from your computer and click Open to upload the file.

6. The system initiates the file upload process and the file will be uploaded shortly.

7. A success message appears confirming that the "Assignment successfully submitted on behalf of [Student Name]".

8. Click View Attempts link to see the submission content.

9. You can see the information about who was the user who submitted this submission on learner’s behalf, on the attempt page. And this information will be visible to both, i.e. learner and instructor can see the Submitted by information.

The Submitted by information will be shown only when another user makes a submission on learner’s behalf. Henceforth, if learner himself makes a submission to the assignment then submitted by information won’t be displayed on the view attempt page.

10. You may now review the submission, finish the grading process and add the required feedback.


Q1. Can I upload multiple files as a single submission by the learner?

A. Currently, Teamie allows you to only pick one file for submitting on the student’s behalf. If you wish to submit multiple files, as a single attempt, then you can zip the files and upload as a single zip file.

If you wish to upload multiple files as separate attempts, then you can repeat the process described above multiple times to make multiple submissions.

Q2. Can I make multiple submissions on the learner’s behalf?

A. Yes, you can. This depends on the maximum no. of submissions setting for that assignment. For example, if the assignment has 3 maximum submissions and the learner has made none, then you can upload submissions on behalf of the learner up to 3 times.

Q3. Can I enter a score for a learner without uploading a file?

A. Teamie doesn’t support this. If a learner hasn’t made any submission, then as an instructor, you will need to upload a file in order to enter a score to finish the grading process. We feel this is necessary in order to make an instructor  accountable and to have some sort of evidence of submission for which the score is entered.

Video tutorials

How to grade an assignment?

How to send reminders to learners for materials?

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    Ali Raza

    Branded beanie hats 2. Click Rubric button to grade learning's attempt using rubric. In case, a non-scoring rubric is attached to the assignment, the score needs to be given separately after assigning scales for the criteria. The scales does not update the score as the rubric attached is non-scoring rubric and the scales are to provide feedback rather than score.

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