
Managing Classrooms

A classroom (also known as unit or module) is a place where all the learning activities takes place. It is a group of people and can have learners, Instructors and administrators. It has a newsfeed where discussions take place. Lessons and assessments are shared within it for the members to access. Usually, only administrators are given permission to add a new classroom.

This article will guide you on:

Creating a classroom through UI

1. Click sliding menu.

2. Under Manage Teamie section, click Classrooms and then choose Add a Classroom.

3. Type out the Classroom Unique Code, Classroom Title and Description (optional). Classroom unique code can be a alphanumeric string along with special characters.

4. Select the group type from the Group Type drop-down field - Classroom or Social Group. In Teamie, a group can be categorised as either a "Classroom" and "Social Group". Both of these group types are identical with a logical difference and its usage.

When should you create a group and categorize it as Classroom?

classroom is a learning space, in which both learners and instructor are added. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, from preschools to universities, and may also be found in other places where education or training is provided, such as corporations and religious / humanitarian organisations. A classroom provides a space where learning can take place socially and collaboratively.

When should you create a group and categorize it as Social Group?

A social group also has the same set of users (learners and instructors) who regularly interact and share a sense of unity and common identity. For example, they could be a member of a sports team, social club, workplace, and many more. It provides an outlet for conducting social activities in a much effective and informed manner.

5. Click the 'Gradebook Calculation Logic' drop-down and select the required calculation logic for the classroom. The 3 types of Gradebook calculation logics available on Teamie for calculating 'Final Score' are as following:

  1. Weighted Assessments
  2. Total Points
  3. Average
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6. Click the 'Gradebook Calculation Method' drop-down to select the calculation method that you wish to set for the classroom. The calculation method can be either ‘Overall’ (for entire academic year) or ‘Semester-based’ (for each semester separately). Click here to learn more about Semester-Based Gradebook.

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7. Tick the 'Add yourself to this class' checkbox in case you wish to add youself as an administrator member to this class.

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8. Click Save at the bottom of the page to create the new classroom.

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9. Once the save process is completed, classroom will be created and you will be redirected to the classroom's newsfeed page. To add user in the newly created classroom, please read this article "Adding users to a classroom".

For information about creating classrooms in bulk, see section, “Importing classrooms".

Adding classrooms/modules in bulk

Teamie offers bulk classroom creation when there is a need to create or update classrooms in bulk. The biggest benefit of classroom bulk import is to create multiple classrooms in one go rather than creating them through UI one by one.

1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Manage Classrooms (Manage Modules & Social Groups) and then choose Import Modules & Social Groups.

Module is a whitelabelled term for 'Classroom' and this term can vary from site to site.

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2. Click Download Template to download the excel template file.

3. Once downloaded, open the Template to fill in the required data.

4. The excel template contains the following columns:

  • Classroom Unique Code: Enter the module group unique code. This can be a unique alphanumeric string along with special characters such as hyphen, asterisks, for example: GK_101. This can also be discussed internally and added as a generic terminology, such as Year_Session_Module. For example, 2021_Session1_English.

Note: Classroom unique code is not case sensitive. For example, Science is a classroom whose unique code can be defined as "Science_102" , "SCIENCE_102" or "SCience_102". If you try to create another classroom with any of these possible combinations by using the bulk import, then classroom creation will not take place.

  • Classroom Title : Enter the module title.
  • Module Group Type: This can be chosen from a drop down of 'Classroom' or 'Social Group'. As per the group type the new module will be shown under the Module (Classroom) or Social Group categorization on the users home page and sidebar.

The Module Title [group:field_subject_title] is the actual human readable name of the class that will be shown to the end users whereas 'Module Group Unique Code [group:field_group_unique_code]' is the mandatory field that is used by the back end to uniquely identify classes. Two modules can have the same Module Title, but cannot have the same Module Group Unique Code.

Please note that columns highlighted in red are mandatory to be filled.

5. Once you have entered the required information in the respective columns, Save the excel sheet.

6. On the Import Modules page, click Choose File to select the template.

7. Select the Template from your system and click Open or just double click the file.

8. Selected template will be uploaded shortly. Click Remove in case you wish to modify the template and then re-upload it.

9. Click Import The Data Set.

By default, you will not be added to any classroom(s)/modules(s) that are newly created with the bulk import sheet. In case you wish to add yourself as an administrator member to any newly created classroom, tick the Add yourself to any newly created modules checkbox.

10. You will see the progress of importing module(s) process on your screen.

11. Once the import process is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the Manage Modules & Groups page, where you can see the modules that have been imported/updated. You will also be able to see the status of the import and the number of modules that were created / updated successfully or were not created due to potential errors.

You can search for any module that has been imported recently by using the filters on the page.

12.  As an administrator, you will also receive a detailed excel report on your registered email ID with the excel sheet attached with the row and module process status. Furthermore, the details column will show the details on any potential errors encountered during the import process.

Module Import Status: 04-May-2021 00:03 - - Teamie Pte Ltd Mail
Some module bulk import scenarios

13. In the following scenario, all the 5 modules' details were successfully processed and all of them were new modules (and no modules with these unique codes were present earlier on the site) as shown in the Row Process Status and User Status column respectively in the attached excel report.

14. In the following scenario, module group unique codes are same in row 5 and 6, but the module title are different. Therefore, in the row 5 the new module will be created with the row 4 title, and in the row 6 the module (created in row 5) will be updated with the new name as added in row 6.

Module Import Status: 04-May-2021 00:18 - - Teamie Pte Ltd Mail

15. In the following scenario, the module details in rows 2-5 are for the existing modules, whereas the module details in row 6 is of a new module. Therefore, the Row Process Status is 'Successfully Process' for all and the Module Status is 'Updated Module' for the existing modules and 'New Module' for the new module.

16. Similarly, in the following scenario, all the modules in the sheet were existing modules and therefore all the module were updated and no new modules were created.

Configuring the Group Bulk Import Template

You can configure the module bulk import template to add or remove data column (except the mandatory fields). For example, you may choose to add the Location or Level column in the template so that you can also link this information to the modules in bulk.

1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Manage Classrooms (Manage Modules & Social Groups) and then choose Import Modules & Social Groups.

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2. On the Import Modules page, Click Configure template to access the template configuration page.

3. Tick the required field checkbox (e.g Year, Location, Gradebook Calculation Logic, etc.) from the Allowed "classroom" fields to select it. The selected fields will be appeared in the bulk import template once you save the new configuration. For example, we have ticked the 'Year' field from the template. So, once you save the configuration and download the module bulk template again, then the 'Year' column will be shown in it.

Adding user(s) to module(s) in bulk

This article explains how you can create users and add them to new classrooms by using the bulk import process.

1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Users Module Memberships. Then, select Import Users Module Memberships.

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2. Click Download Template to download the excel template file.

3. Open the downloaded template.

4. The excel sheet will contain the fields pertaining to both user and module creation:

  • User Email
  • Username
  • User pass
  • User Site Role
  • User Site Status
  • User First Name
  • User Last Name
  • Module Group Unique Code
  • Module Title
  • Module Group Type

The fields in the template can be configured. Refer to this article for more information.

The fields with red icon are mandatory fields and need to be filled.

5. Enter the details in the respective columns. In order to add the same users in more modules, just copy the users' rows and paste them below the existing rows and change the module unique codes and titles to the new modules.

You can also import the new users to existing classrooms (including those which have been rolled over from previous academic term) by entering the existing classrooms' unique code and title in the respective columns. To do this, you must know the exact module unique code and title.

6. Click Save to save the data in the excel sheet.

7. On the Import User Module Membership page, click Choose File and select the saved template from your system.

9. Click Import The Data Set.

By default, you will not be added to any classroom(s)/modules(s) that are newly created with the bulk import sheet. In case you wish to add yourself as an administrator member to any newly created classroom, tick the Add yourself to any newly created modules checkbox. You can also choose to email one-time login link to new users, if required.

10. You will see the progress of importing module(s) process on your screen.

11. Once the import process is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the Manage Modules & Groups page, where you can see the modules that have been imported / updated. You will also be able to see the status of the import and the number of users and modules that were created / updated successfully or were not created due to potential errors.

You can search for any module that has been imported recently by using the filters on the page.

12.  As an administrator, you will also receive a detailed excel report on your registered email ID with the excel sheet attached. The excel sheet report will have the Row Process Status, User status, Module Status, and User Module Membership status . Furthermore, the Details column will show the details on any potential errors encountered during the import process.

Some user module membership bulk import scenarios

13. In the following scenario, all the 5 users and modules' details were successfully processed and all of them were new modules (and no users with these email IDs and modules with these unique codes were present earlier on the site) as shown in the Row Process Status and User Status column respectively in the attached excel report. The User Module Membership status column shows the new user module membership has been created.

14. In the following scenario, the users in the import sheet were already part of the existing modules, therefore the User Module Membership status remained unchanged (No change) and only the user and module status were updated.

15. In the following scenario 5 new users were created and were added to five existing modules.

16. In the following scenario 5 new modules were created and five existing users were added to them.

17. In the following scenario, 5 users (4 existing users and one user with incorrect email ID) were added to the 5 existing modules. Hence, 4 users and 5 modules were updated (as one user details were invalid). Furthermore, the user module membership were unchanged for the 4 entries and was 'Invalid' for the last entry as the user was not created and the 'Details' column showed the reason for the invalid user module membership status.

Configuring the Module Membership bulk import

You can configure and manage module membership bulk import settings to add or remove certain data columns in the module membership bulk import sheet.

1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Users Module Memberships. Then, select Import Users Module Memberships.

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2. On the Import Users Module Memberships page, click Configure template to access the template configuration page.

3. These are two module membership bulk import settings:

  1. Auto-assign site roles to groups
  2. Add user, module data fields to the import sheet
1. Auto-assign site roles to groups (classrooms/modules)

This setting is checked by default. The Role and Action columns are removed and user's site-level role will get auto-assigned to the classroom/module. For example, if user is an instructor at site-level, then user becomes an instructor in groups as well, by default.

Uncheck the Auto-assign site roles to groups checkbox and click Save configuration to add the Role and Action columns in the Module Membership bulk import sheet. Now, when you download the User Module Membership template, you will find the Role and Action columns in the template. You will be able to add specific role for each classroom and perform action of Add, Block or Cancel.

Kindly note that 'User Module Membership Role' and 'User Module Membership Status' are mandatory fields.

2. Add user, module data fields to the import sheet

This setting is checked by default. It populates the template sheet with user and modules data fields. This will help to add users and groups in the on go. You can configure the user and module data fields and they will be shown in the downloaded excel sheet to quickly add users and groups.

Uncheck the Add user, module data fields to the import sheet checkbox and click Save configuration. This will remove all the columns in the user module import template except the 'User Email' and 'Module Group Unique Code' and allow you to quickly add users to groups by just entering the user and module identifiers (users email and module group unique code) without worrying about all the user and module data fields.

Accessing Classrooms & Social Groups

1. Click sliding menu.

2. Under Manage Teamie section, click Manage Classroom and then choose Manage Classrooms.

3. On the Manage Classrooms & Groups page, you will see a list of all the classrooms/social groups available on your site. You can access the required classroom by clicking its Classroom URL to open the classroom landing page in a new tab.

Updating classroom information

1. On the Manage Classrooms & Groups page, click the Classroom Title link to open the classroom landing page in a new tab.

2. Click the ellipses (...) and then select Edit classroom settings from the drop-down list.

3. Click the fields (Classroom Unique Code, Title, Description or Group Type) that you want to update and make the changes.

4. Click Save to save the changes that you have made.

5. Once the save process is completed, the changes you have made will be saved and you will be redirected back to the classroom landing page.

Updating classroom unique code

1. You will see the list of classrooms on the Manage Classrooms & Groups page.

2. Use the filters to locate the classroom. In this example, we are searching for the classroom “Science”. Refer to Unique Code and Title column to view the unique code and title of this classroom.

3. Check the classroom’s unique code before editing it.

Note: Teamie does not track changes made in the classroom unique code. So, you should save the current unique code information in your "Student Management Information System" for future reference.

4. Click the Classroom Title link to open the classroom landing page in a new tab to update its unique code.

5. Click the ellipses (...) and then select Edit classroom settings from the drop-down list.

6. Enter the new classroom unique code.

7. Click Save to save the changes you have made.

8. Once the save process is completed, the changes you have made will be saved and you will be redirected back to the classroom landing page.

9. On the Classrooms & Groups page, you will notice that the unique code of this classroom has been updated.

Downloading/Exporting list of all classrooms/modules

1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Modules and then choose Manage Modules.

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2. By default, only the published modules will be shown. Click Published drop-down and select - Any -. Then, click Search to view all the modules on your site (published + Archived).

3. Export to excel (XLS) option is available at the bottom left corner of the "Manage Modules" page. Scroll down the page and click the XLS icon to export/download the modules list in excel format.

4. The export process starts. Please ensure you do not close the browser window/tab at this stage, since it will abort the export process.

5. Once the process is completed (100%), the excel report containing the modules list will be downloaded to your system in excel format. Click to open the downloaded excel report.

6. You will see the list of all the modules in the downloaded report along with their details.

Archiving a classroom

1. You will see the list of classrooms on the Manage Classrooms & Groups page.

2. Click the Classroom Title link to open the classroom landing page in a new tab.

3. Click the ellipses (...) and then select Edit classroom settings from the drop-down list.

You can also click Edit for the required classroom on the Manage Classrooms & Groups to directly access the classroom edit page.

4.  On the classroom edit page, click Archive to archive the classroom. Once archived, the classroom will not be accessible to the classroom members.

6. A confirmation message appears and the classroom is archived.

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Video Tutorials

How to add a classroom or social group on Teamie?

How to import classrooms using the bulk import template?

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