A unit planner is a common classroom where workspace members can create common assessments linked to standards that are then pushed to all the classrooms (of the same cohort, i.e, same grade, subject and academic session) which would provide evidence of student understanding. A unit planner can have the structure (desired results, evidence and learning plan) for learning through lessons with instructional activities and resources, that can be delivered with assessments.
Curriculum heads and staff can use the unit planners to enter and view the progress and results for students across the cohort in a single view, tracked by standard, assessment & lessons.
Note: 'Unit Planner' is a whitelabelled term and can vary from site to site. For example, 'Curriculum Planner', 'Workspace' etc can be configured instead of 'Unit Planner' as per your Teamie site's configuration.
A cohort represents a set of students being shared the same materials and being assessed on the same assessments. On Teamie, a cohort will refer to a set of classrooms that have the same value for certain defined fields that define a cohort. This is typically the Academic year, Grade and Subject- though this can be configured based on the site.
1. As an administrator, click the sidebar and then click Classrooms. Then click Add a Classroom.
2. Add the required Group Unique Code, Title and Description(optional) for the unit planner (common classroom).
3. Select Common from the Group Type dropdown.
The Group Type 'Common' is a whitelabelled term and can vary from site to site. For example, 'Common' can be whitelabelled to 'Unit Planner' for your Teamie site.
4. Select the required Grade, Subject and Academic Session from respective drop-downs.
5. Then, click Save to create the unit planner.
6. The unit planner will be created. You can now add users to it for them to create units.
You can also add unit planners in bulk by using the bulk import sheet similar to how you do with the classroom. The key difference will selecting the Group Type as 'common'. Read here to know more on 'Import Classrooms by using the bulk import process'.
1. As an administrator, you can add users to a unit planner as workspace member/workspace administrators from the 'Manage People' page of the unit planner. Under Manage Teamie, click Classrooms and then select Manage Classrooms.
2. You can quickly filter all the unit planners by selecting Common from the Group Type drop-down menu. You can also use other filter options in conjunction to further narrow down your search.
3. Click Manage for the required unit planner in which you wish to add users. You will be then taken to the Manage People page of the unit planner.
4. On the Manage People page of the unit planner, click +Add People.
5. Click the --Select a role -- menu and select Workspace Member to add a user as a workspace member. Similarly, you can add a user to a unit planner as a workspace administrator.
Workspace member - has the permissions to create, edit and push assessments (member needs to have the cohort access of the classroom in which the assessments need to be pushed)
Workspace administrator - has all the aforementioned permissions of a workspace member along wit the additional permissions to delete assessments in the workspace, or the ones pushed from the unit planner to the classrooms. Furthermore, workspace administrators can also add new members to the unit planner as well.
Administrator member - has all the aforementioned permissions of a workspace administrator along with the additional permissions to edit unit planners' settings, such as, academic year, grade, subject etc.
6. Type out the required user's name in the People text box. Select the user from the list of suggestions that appear. Repeat this step to add more users.
7. Click Add people to add the selected user(s) to the unit planner.
8. A confirmation message is displayed after the process completes to indicate that the user(s) have been added to the unit planner with the selected role.
1. On the Manage People page of the unit planner, select the required users whom you wish to remove or block from the unit planner. Then choose Block membership for the selected users or Cancel membership for the selected users to block or remove the user from the unit planner respectively.
2. Click execute to perform the block/cancel membership operation.